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Dermatology Link connects Texas residents with dermatology providers in Texas for convenient, secure, and expert clinical care.
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How Dermatology Link Works

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Dermatology Link

It starts with you. Your experience is our top priority. We’ve seen and learned, through years of practice, what it means to deliver best-in-class dermatology care to our patients. With your telemed visit, you have access to a dermatology provider from anywhere in Texas.
Streamlined Appointments
Short Wait Times
Experienced Providers
Most Insurance Accepted

Conditions We Treat

Acne treatments

Acne is most common in teenagers and young adults, but can affect people of all ages. Symptoms range from blackheads to inflamed pimples or large, red, and tender bumps.

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most types of acne through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your acne and make specific treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the type and severity of your acne, we may recommend topical medications. Some patients respond better to or would benefit from the use of oral medications. 

Not all acne is the same, and all individuals are unique which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will allow us to personalize and tailor your treatment regimen. Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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Actinic keratoses treatment

Actinic keratoses, pre-cancerous spots, are rough, scaly patches on the skin caused by years of sun exposure. Our dermatology providers may be able to diagnose your actinic keratoses through teleconference. 

Actinic keratoses usually affect older adults. They are most common on the face, ears, back of hands, forearms, scalp, and neck. The rough, red, scaly skin patches can enlarge slowly over time and often times have no other signs or symptoms.

During your consultation we will evaluate your actinic keratoses and make treatment suggestions, which may include prescription or compounded topical medications or a referral to a local clinic.

Not all actinic keratoses are the same, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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athletes foot treatment

Athlete's foot is a superficial fungal skin infection that usually begins between the toes. It commonly occurs across people of all ages and races but is slightly more common in males. Symptoms include a scaly, red rash on the feet that can cause itching. People with athlete's foot can have inflamed, moist and raw skin between their toes.

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most athlete’s foot rashes through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your condition and make treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the severity of your athlete’s foot, we may recommend topical antifungal medications, oral antifungal medications, or other treatment options.

Not all athlete’s foot is the same, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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eczema treatment

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a condition associated with dry skin which leads to intense itching and rashes. It is most common in infants and children but can persist into adulthood. There is no cure for eczema, and intermittent flare-ups are common. Over the years there have been many treatments developed to target eczema, as it can be very uncomfortable and frustrating. 

Our dermatology providers will diagnose and treat most eczema cases through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your eczema and make treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the severity of your eczema, we may recommend lifestyle changes, topical medications (steroidal and non-steroidal), light therapy, laser therapy, oral medications, injectable medications, or some combination of these options. 

Not all eczema is the same, and everyone is unique, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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hair loss treatment

Hair loss can affect anything from your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary and reversible or permanent. Some forms of hair loss are hereditary, like male-pattern baldness. Other forms of hair loss can occur from stress, illness, hormones or autoimmune issues. 

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most hair loss cases through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your hair loss situation and make treatment suggestions. 

During your consultation we will evaluate your hair loss and make treatment suggestions, which may include a prescription, topical medications, or a referral to a local clinic.

Not all hair loss is the same and can be very overwhelming, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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herpes treatment

Herpes is a virus causing contagious sores, most often around the mouth or on the genitals. The most common types of herpes infections are cold sores and genital herpes. Cold sores indicate an infection with the herpes simplex virus around the border of the lips. Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection marked by genital pain and sores.

Our dermatology providers may be able to help diagnose and treat herpes through a telemedicine appointment. Additional testing may be needed to confirm diagnosis.

While there is no cure for herpes, topical medicines and antiviral medication can help treat symptoms and outbreaks.

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hyperhidrosis treatment

Hyperhidrosis is abnormally excessive sweating that is not related to heat or exercise. It can be localized to certain areas, such as just the hands and feet, or generalized over the entire body. This excessive, heavy sweating can cause social anxiety and embarrassment. You don’t have to suffer, as there are effective treatments available.

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most excessive sweating conditions through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your condition and make treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the severity of your hyperhidrosis and the underlying cause, we may recommend prescription topicals, or oral medications. 

Not all hyperhidrosis is the same, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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keratosis pilaris treatment

Keratosis pilaris (KP) is a very common condition that causes small, white to red acne-like bumps on the skin. This condition develops when the skin produces too much of a protein called keratin, which can block hair follicles resulting in KP. These bumps are often found on the upper arms, thighs, cheeks, and buttocks. The condition may not be serious but can cause embarrassment.

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most cases of keratosis pilaris through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your keratosis pilaris and make treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the severity of your keratosis pilaris, we may recommend topical medicines to improve the appearance. In some cases, an anti-inflammatory or steroid may be utilized short-term.

Not all keratosis pilaris is the same, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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melasma treatment

Melasma is a skin condition characterized by dark (hyperpigmented) patches or freckle-like spots, most commonly on the face. The cause of melasma is unknown, however, sun exposure, certain medications and hormonal causes such as pregnancy or the use of birth control pills can lead to melasma. The condition is more common in women and in individuals with a darker skin type, however anyone can be affected. 

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most cases of melasma through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your melasma and make treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the severity of your melasma, we may recommend certain sunscreens, compounded or prescription topical medications or chemical peels.

Not all melasma is the same, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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molluscum treatment

Molluscum is a viral skin infection that produces small, flesh colored, painless bumps.

It spreads through contact with an infected person or contaminated objects and is very common among children. In adults, molluscum are more likely to be contracted via sexual contact.

Molluscum are generally painless, but the small bumps might itch. Though the bumps may disappear on their own, many people prefer to treat them to induce resolution quickly and prevent spread.

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most cases of molluscum through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your lesions and make treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the severity of your molluscom, we may recommend topical therapies. Some patients may require physical removal, in which case we will refer you to a local specialist.

Not all molluscum are the same, and each individual is different, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment program.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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perioral dermatitis treatment

Perioral dermatitis is a localized, acne-like rash. Your skin may be red, dry and flaky with small red bumps. Perioral dermatitis can look like acne and is often mistaken for it. Perioral dermatitis is most commonly seen around the mouth but can also affect the skin around the nose, cheeks, and eyes.

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most cases of perioral dermatitis through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your concern and make treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the severity of your perioral dermatitis, we may recommend and prescribe topical medications and/or oral antibiotics.

Not all perioral dermatitis is the same, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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poison ivy rash treatment

Poison Ivy Rash is a type of contact dermatitis that appears after exposure to oil found on the leaves/stems/roots of the poison ivy plant. It causes a reaction on the skin that often presents as intensely itchy red bumps and blisters. Rashes can appear 48 hours or more after exposure and can spread over the body. The rash can be extremely uncomfortable and make sleeping difficult. 

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most cases of contact dermatitis due to plants through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your rash and make treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the severity of your rash, we may recommend topical medications, oral medications such as steroids or antihistamines and oral antibiotics if secondary infection is suspected. 

Not all cases of poison ivy are the same, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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psoriasis treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory skin disease that causes thickened, red, scaly patches and plaques on the skin. The areas most commonly affected include the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. Psoriasis affects about 2-3% of the population and can develop at any age. It can run in families and be triggered by certain medications, infections or stress. There is no cure for psoriasis and flare ups can negatively affect quality of life. Thankfully there are several treatment options available for psoriasis that have proven very effective in managing the disease. 

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most cases of psoriasis through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your psoriasis and make treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the severity of your psoriasis, in addition to lifestyle modifications we may recommend and prescribe certain topical medications, oral medications, light or laser therapies, or biologic (injectable) medications.  

Not all psoriasis is the same, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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rashes treatment

Rashes are a temporary outbreak of red, bumpy, scaly, or itchy patches of skin, possibly with blisters or welts. Common causes of skin rashes may include underlying inflammation or skin disease. Some skin rashes may be caused by environmental factors including hot and humid weather, excess sun exposure, or scratchy clothes that don't fit.

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat many skin rashes through a telemedicine appointment.

Minor rashes may be self treated by avoiding harsh soaps and detergents, perfumed soaps or lotions, and known allergy triggers may help soothe irritated skin. Some patients may find using an over-the-counter antihistamine or steroid cream may also help. It's important to consult a medical professional if the rash is persistent, spreads quickly, or starts to cover a large area of your body.

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ringworm treatment

Ringworm, or tinea corporis, is a superficial fungal infection on the skin. It can be found in people of all ages and races and is passed via direct contact with other infected individuals, animals, contaminated objects or soil. Ringworm often appears as red, circular patches with raised, scaly borders and sometimes an area of central clearing. The areas may itch. 

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most cases of ringworm through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your areas of concern and make treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the severity of your case of ringworm, we may recommend topical and/or oral antifungals. 

Not all cases of ringworm are the same, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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rosacea treatment

Rosacea is a common, chronic inflammatory condition on the face. Sometimes referred to as adult acne, rosacea affects mostly adults that are fair skinned. There may also be a family history of rosacea. There is no cure for rosacea, and there are several known triggers for flares such as sun exposure, temperature extremes and emotional stress. There are different types of rosacea and symptoms range from redness and flushing of the face to pimple-like bumps, skin thickening or eye issues. 

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most cases of rosacea through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your rosacea and make treatment suggestions. 

During your consultation we will evaluate your rosacea and make treatment suggestions, which may include a prescription, topical medications, or a referral to a local clinic.

Not all rosacea is the same, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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seborrheic dermatitis treatment

Seborrheic dermatitis (sometimes referred to as “dandruff”) is a common, chronic condition that presents as scaling, flaking and redness on the scalp and other areas of the face and trunk. Seborrheic dermatitis can also be itchy and bothersome. The condition tends to come and go, and stress and changes in the weather are often triggers. Although there is no cure, seborrheic dermatitis can be managed and controlled. 

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most cases of seborrheic dermatitis through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your issue and make treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the severity of your seborrheic dermatitis, we may recommend topical medications to control inflammation or itching or medicated shampoos.

Not all cases of seborrheic dermatitis are the same, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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herpes zoster treatment

Herpes Zoster, or Shingles, is a painful rash caused by re-activation of the same virus that causes chickenpox – the Varicella-Zoster virus. The rash is often preceded by pain, itching or burning on a specific location of the skin. The rash itself often appears as painful, red bumps and blisters. Usually shingles is unilateral, meaning that it only appears on one side of the body. Most people fully recover from their case of shingles, however sometimes the pain associated with the condition can linger. 

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most cases of shingles through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your shingles and make treatment suggestions. If possible, it is best to diagnose shingles quickly as most treatments tend to work best if they are started right away. 

Depending on the severity of your shingles outbreak, we may recommend oral antiviral medications, oral steroids, pain relief medications (non-opioid) or topical medications. 

Not all cases of shingles are the same, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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tinea versicolor treatment

Tinea Versicolor is a common rash caused by a superficial yeast infection. It often looks like tan, pink, brown or white spots that appear mostly on the upper body. The rash usually becomes more obvious after a person has gotten a little bit of a tan, as the areas affected by the yeast do not tan normally. The rash is usually asymptomatic. Tinea Versicolor can happen to people of all ages and races and recurrences from time to time are common. 

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most cases of tinea versicolor through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your rash and make treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the severity of your tinea versicolor, we may recommend topical medications or washes or oral antifungal medications.  

Not all cases of tinea versicolor are the same, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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warts treatment

Warts, or verruca, are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are several different types of HPV and as a result, warts may commonly appear on multiple areas of the body and have various presentations. For example, common warts look like flesh-colored or pink bumps, plantar warts are callous-like areas on the feet and genital warts are found in the genital area. Warts are transferred by human contact and the virus usually enters small breaks in the skin. They can affect people of any age.  

Our dermatology providers can diagnose and treat most warts through teleconference. During your consultation we will evaluate your warts and make treatment suggestions. 

Depending on the severity, type and location of your warts, we may recommend prescription topical medications or compounds or referral to a local provider if physical destruction of the warts is warranted. 

Not all warts are the same, and they can be difficult to treat, which is why a one-on-one consultation with your provider will determine your treatment regimen.  Book an appointment here or call us to schedule your online appointment.

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get personalized dermatology care

Get a Personalized Care Plan

Our accomplished dermatology providers have seen thousands of patients over the years. We understand that each patient and case is unique. That's why we individualize all of our treatment plans for each patient. Our dermatology providers will create a tailored treatment plan built on evidence-based medicine and the current standard of care.

Custom Care Plans
Medications & Prescriptions
Follow-up Care
Lifestyle Recommendations
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dermatology link providers

Our Providers

We're a team of dermatology professionals and experts dedicated to our patients. Built upon a solid foundation of dermatology training, we've come together from many different backgrounds and experiences with a common goal: Deliver outstanding dermatology care.

Our providers have decades of combined experience in dermatology, and have
seen and treated thousands of patients (just like you) through both
in-person and telemed visits.

When we started providing telemed services it was out of necessity to continue treating our patients during the pandemic. We’ve since found that many of our patients prefer the convenience, care, and time savings that telemed provides.

dr. blakely richardson

Dr. Blakely Richardson

Board Certified Dermatologist

Education: University of Texas, UNTHSC in Fort Worth, University Hospitals Case Western Reserve
Experience: 10+ years
Bio: Dr. Blakely Richardson is a Texas native, board-certified dermatologist, Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, and the medical director/physician owner of Westgate Skin & Cancer. Her Austin based practice offers comprehensive medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology care to patients of all ages. 

Dr. Richardson completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Texas in Austin, her medical degree at UNTHSC in Fort Worth, and her Dermatology residency at University Hospitals Case Western Reserve in Cleveland, Ohio. While in Cleveland she served as the Chief Dermatology Resident of Veterans Affairs, received the dermatology resident research award, and was published in JAMA Dermatology for her research in melanoma. 

Dr. Richardson has built her practice and reputation by remaining patient focused first and foremost and treating all individuals with respect and dignity. She is committed to giving back to the greater Austin community in which she lovingly calls home. She actively attends volunteer events, works with local non-profits, and remains engaged in research and professional education. Outside of work, you can find her spending time with her family and competitively riding horses. 

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dr. sital patel

Dr. Sital Patel

Board Certified Dermatologist

Education: University of Texas, UNTHSC in Fort Worth, University Hospitals Case Western Reserve
Experience: 10+ years
Bio: Dr. Sital Patel is a Texas native, board-certified dermatologist, and Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. She provides comprehensive medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology care at Westgate Skin and Cancer based out of Austin, TX.  

Dr. Patel completed her undergraduate at the University of Texas in Austin, her medical degree at UNTHSC in Fort Worth, and her dermatology residency at University Hospitals Case Western Reserve in Cleveland, Ohio. While in Cleveland she served as the Chief Dermatology Resident at University Hospitals Case Western Reserve. 

Dr. Patel prides herself on providing honest, patient-focused care. She remains committed to her patients and the larger dermatology and medical community by engaging in professional development and education.  

When Dr. Patel is not seeing patients for their dermatology needs, you can find her spending time with her family and traveling.  

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vanessa yawn, pa-c

Vanessa Yawn, PA-C

Dermatology Physician Assistant

Education: University of Georgia, Medical College of Georgia
Experience: 10+ years
Bio: Vanessa Yawn is a certified Physician Assistant from Georgia. She graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Business Management in 2010. She went on to earn her Master of Physician Assistant Studies, graduating with top honors, in 2012 from the Medical College of Georgia (now Augusta University). Her graduate, evidence-based research feature was published in the December 2012 issue of the ADVANCE for NPs and PAs magazine publication.  

Vanessa remains committed to her patients and the larger dermatology and medical community engaging in professional development and continuing education. She believes that it is imperative to never stop learning and growing.  

Vanessa lives with her husband, son, daughter and 2 dogs. She is an avid traveler and has been to over 30 countries and counting. She enjoys immersing herself in cultural experiences through her travels and most importantly, trying any and all kinds of food. She loves spending time with her family and friends outdoors, watching college football and seeking out adventure.   

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lindsay weber pa-c

Lindsay Weber PA-C

Dermatology Physician Assistant

Education: University of Cincinnati, University of Nebraska 
Experience: 20+ years
Bio: Lindsay Weber is a certified Physician Assistant from Ohio. She graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology. She went on to earn her Master of Physician Assistant Studies from the University of Nebraska in 2003.  

Prior to attending PA school, Lindsay gained experience in the healthcare field by working in an emergency department, assisted living facilities and as an office manager for an Obstetrics and Gynecology practice. She found her true calling when she took her first job in dermatology and general surgery at the Cleveland Clinic upon graduation. She practiced for over 13 years at the Cleveland Clinic before to relocating to Austin in 2016.  

Lindsay has a passion for providing patient-focused care and helping patients to look and feel their best. She is committed to giving back to the greater community through participation in annual volunteer skin cancer screenings and dedicating her time and talent to medical mission trips to Honduras and Peru.  

In Austin, Lindsay lives with her partner, her 2 children, and 3 dogs. She is an avid yogi and tennis player.  

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Insurance and Payments

Dermatology Link is in-network with most major insurance carriers and insurance plans. In-Network and
Out-of-Network insurance plans are detailed below. Patients with a HMO insurance plan will need a referral from their Primary Care Provider (PCP) to hold an appointment. Dermatologist are considered specialist physicians. For questions about insurance coverage, please inquire through our web chat.

In addition to accepting most insurance, Dermatology Link accepts self-pay patients for $99.00 per visit.

Common Insurance Questionsinsurance and payments accepted at dermatology link

In Network Plans

we accept aetna
  • Aetna Standard Plans (Open Choice PPO, Managed Choice POS, HMO, etc.)
  • Aetna Open Access Plans (Choice POS II, Aetna Select, Elect Choice EPO, etc.)
  • Aetna Whole Health Plans (Seton Health Alliance, etc.)
  • Aetna Medicare Advantage (Choice Plan PPO, Premier Plan HMO, etc.)
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we accept ambetter
  • Ambetter Essential Balanced (All Plans)
  • Ambetter Value (All Plans)
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we accept amerigroup
  • Medicare Advantage (All Plans)
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we accept baylor scott and white
Baylor S&W
  • HMO, PPO, POS, ASO, Medicare Advantage, & TRS
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we accept bluecross and blueshield
BlueCross and Blue Shield
Association is an association of 35 independent locally operated Blue Cross and or BlueShield companies. DermatologyLink accepts all PPO plans from any independent carrier. HMO plans are only accepted from BlueCross and BlueShield of Texas.
  • BCBS PPO Plans (All PPO plans from state named carriers, Anthem, Empire, etc.)
  • BCBS HMO Texas Plans (HMO Blue, BlueAdvantage, etc.)
  • BCBS Medicare Advantage Plans (All PPO Plans, HMO Texas Plans, etc.)
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we accept bright healthcare
Bright HealthCare
  • Bright HealthCare Private Plans (All Plans)
  • Bright HealthCare Private Plans (All Plans)
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we accept care n care
Care N Care
  • Care N Care Medicare Advantage (All Plans)
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we accept cigna
  • Cigna Open Access Plus (OAP) and PPO Plans (All Plans)
  • Cigna HMO Plans (Austin HMO, Open Access POS, etc.)
  • Cigna LocalPlus
  • Greatwest Health (GWH-Cigna)
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we accept civilian health and medical program of the department of veterans affairs

Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA)

All Plans

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we accept first health


Dermatology Link is in network with FirstHealth. FirstHealth is a national network owned by Aetna that works with 3rd party insurance carriers meaning insurance plans can vary. Look for the Blue Heart FirstHealth logo on your Insurance Card.

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we accept friday health plans
Friday Health Plans
  • Friday Individual Plans (All Plans)
  • Friday Small Group Employer Plans (All Plans)
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we accept  galaxy health network
Galaxy Health Network
  • All Plans
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we accept geha
  • FEHB Standard Option
  • FEHB High Option
  • FEHB High Deductible Health Plan
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we accept healthcare highways
Healthcare Highways
  • Logix, Sync, Sync Verity, and Sync Tyler Plans
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we accept healthsmart


Dermatology Link is in network with HealthSmart. HealthSmart is a national network that works with 3rd party insurance carriers meaning insurance plans can vary. Look for the Blue and Green HealthSmart logo on your Insurance Card.

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we accept humana
  • Humana PPO Plans (National Choice POS, Open Access, etc.)
  • Humana HMO Texas Plans
  • Humana Medicare Advantage Plans (All PPO Plans, Texas HMO Plans, PFFS, etc.)
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we accept imperial health services
Imperial Health Services
  • Medicare Advantage Plans (All Plans)
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we accept medicare


Traditional Medicare Part B. All secondary plans are accepted.

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we accept molina
  • Exchange Plans (All Plans)
  • Medicare Advantage (All Plans)
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we accept multiplan


Dermatology Link is in network with Multiplan. Multiplan is a national network that works with 3rd party insurance carriers meaning insurance plans can vary. Look for the Green Multiplan logo on your Insurance Card.

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we accept oscar
  • All Plans
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we accept phcs


Dermatology Link is in network with PHCS Savility. PHCS is a national network that works with 3rd party insurance carriers meaning insurance plans can vary. Look for the PHCS logo on your Insurance Card.

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we accept sana
  • All Plans
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we accept three rivers provider network (TRPN)

Three Rivers Provider Network (TRPN)

Dermatology Link is in network with Three Rivers Provider Network (TRPN). TRPN is a national network that works with 3rd party insurance carriers meaning insurance plans can vary. Look for the TRPN logo on your Insurance Card.

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we accept tricare


Tricare is the U.S. military's health care program and functions as government-managed health insurance.

  • All Plans
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we accept triwest healthcare alliance (triwest)

TriWest Healthcare Alliance (TriWest)

TriWest Healthcare Alliance (TriWest) is honored to be a third party administrator for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

  • All Plans
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we accept UHOne


UHOne, previously Golden Rule, is a United HealthCare company. UHOne plans can vary. Dermatology Link is in network with all plans that show a “Choice Network” or “Choice Plus Network” logo on the insurance card. If your UHOne insurance card has a different logo or network, please see the full list of accepted UnitedHealthcare network plans listed under UnitedHealthcare.

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we accept united healthcare
  • All Employer and Individual Plans for Choice, Choice Plus, All Savers, Navigate, Navigate Plus, Compass, NexusACO, Options, Select, Heritage Select, Freedom and CORE. Look for the associated network name on your insurance card.
  • Many Medicare Advantage Plans including Dual Complete, Group Medicare Advantage (HMO and PPO), Medicare Advantage Choice (PPO), Medicare Gold (PPO), Medicare Silver (PPO), Nursing Home Plan (PPO).
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we accept umr


UMR is a United HealthCare company. UMR plans can vary. Dermatology Link is in network with all plans that show a “Choice Network” or “Choice Plus Network” logo on the insurance card. If your UMR insurance card has a different logo or network, please see the full list of accepted UnitedHealthcare network plans listed under UnitedHealthcare.

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we accept wellcare
  • Medicare Advantage Plans (All Plans)
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Out-of-Network Plans

Payment Terms

In addition to accepting insurance plans, Dermatology Link also accepts several self payment options. Self pay appointments are $99. Your credit card will be billed 24 hours before your appointment. If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please let us know 24 hours in advance to avoid any charges.
Click Here For Payment Terms

Common Questions

What are the benefits of Dermatology Link's telemedicine service?

We save you time, money, and stress by not having to travel to an in-person clinic. No need to wait on the phone to book your appointment. Eliminate the need to sit in a waiting room. Get the same benefits of an in-person visit from the comfort of your home.

How is this different than an office visit?

We provide the same professional care that you would receive in our clinic. Thanks to our telemed service we can see you from anywhere. This helps you to be seen and treated faster and saves you time and money.

Do you accept my insurance?

Dermatology Link accepts most major insurance. See a list of insurance providers we work with. Have a specific question about your insurance? Give us a call at (512) 815-2559.

Do you accept self-pay?

We accept patients who prefer to self pay.

What do I need for a telemed appointment?

An internet-connected device, like a laptop, tablet, or smart phone. Our service works on all major platforms.

Is Dermatology Link private and secure?

Our leading telemedicine platform is secured with the latest encryption and data protection software. We maintain strict patient privacy standards in all of our systems.

How quickly can I get medicine for my condition?

If medication is prescribed, we can send over a prescription to your local pharmacy within the same business day.

What conditions can your dermatolgists diagnose and treat through telemedicine?

Acne, psoriasis, rosacea, hair loss can all be treated remotely. More serious conditions like abnormal moles, hives, or lice require an in-office visit.

What happens if I can't be treated?

If you have a condition that requires an in-office visit, we can provide a referral to a local provider in your area.

What do I need to do before my appointment?

Before you can be seen we'll need to gather a little information about you. All of this information can be submitted and collected online.

Do I need to install any software or apps to do a telemedicine appointment?

Our system works natively with your devices web browser. No additional software is required.

Can I still be treated if I'm pregnant or trying to become pregnant?

Yes, all of our treatment plans our personalized for our patients. It's important to note if you're pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding so our providers can offer you the best treatment options.

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Do you have more questions?

Don't hesitate to call us. Our patient coordinators are available from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday. (737) 258-7495

What our patients are saying about us

I was very impressed with the staff and how they covered all my issues. They gave me samples and offered me different options to my needs. Even gave me diffrent options with my prescription cost. I will definitely go back. They have appointments open too. Its very hard to get into a dermatologist.
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Jennifer S. | Austin, TX
I have been a patient for many years and have always been thankful that my doctor first referred me to to Dr. Richardson. She and all her staff are extremely knowledgeable and very professional. Moreover, the office carries excellent cosmetics, including clear and tinted sunscreens. However, my very best recommendation is how upbeat and friendly everyone is! I had an appointment last Thursday, and walked out freling so happy, positive, and geared up for the rest of the day!
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Rebecca M. | Kyle, TX
Dr. Yawn is the best. She really listens to your concerns and will work with you to find a treatment that is a agreeable to your needs. I had a surge of acne all from scalp to my mid-back but didn't want to take an oral antibiotic because I have a really sensitive microbiome and taking antibiotics seems to do more harm than good to my overall health. She agreed to respect my hesitation and recommended a topical treatment first. She seems very invested in patient satisfaction.
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Jennifer R. | Austin, TX
I was recommended to go here by a friend and I found good reviews online. Dr Richardson was a great listener and took the time to see why I came in and gave some great suggestions and prescribed medications to treat. Will go back if ever needed and will recommend to others.
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Wendy F. | Austin, TX
Always very detailed in the doctors explanation of each potential area of concern. Staff is friendly and easy to speak with. Very accommodating with scheduling. I always leave happy that I came. Dr. Richardson is thorough and fun to talk to and listen to. You won't regret being her patient. She is the bomb! Michael
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Michael D. | Wimberly, TX
Loving my new Dermatologist! I've been in Austin about 2 years and had a couple appointments with another dermatologist and just didn't feel like they really listened to my concerns. I've seen Vanessa Yawn 3 or 4 times now and she's awesome! She wants to hear every little detail you can give her to make the most of your visit and help get to the route cause of your issues.
She's both great in person and I just had a video conference with her (due to COVID) that went really well. They set you up ahead of time to send pictures they can review and then use Zoom to video conference. Very smooth process where she was able to address and confirm my WeMD'ing concerns (heh couldn't help myself). They are a little backed up right now, so get your appointment in as soon as you can.
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Steph R. | Austin, TX
I'd been going to another dermatology practice in the area for a couple of years, but felt pressured to invest in very expensive products and wasn't seeing results. Mostly, my rosacea is an issue and frequent small breakouts. Decided to try Westgate and Dr. Richardson and all members of the staff were wonderful. She recommended I continue with one prescription, but use a new cleanser and "less is more" for all of the lotions. My skin immediately got better -- day one. The doctor and one of the nurses talked to me about the laser treatments and were so genuine and honest about the options. I didn't have any of the issues with billing or appointments. No pressure or up-selling. They take time with you and are so knowledgable and courteous. I'd definitely recommend.
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Laura W. | Austin, TX
I have had one visit with this doctor, and I was very impressed. Dr. Richardson is smart, thorough, and kind. She diagnosed my skin ailment quickly, and prescribed medication that resolved the problem within a few days.
Dr. Richardson prescribed medication that my insurance company would not approve. Dr. Richardson's nurse was on it first thing the following day jumping through all the extra hoops to get my medication approved within a day or two. If my family members or friends need a dermatologist, I will not hesitate to send them to Dr. Richardson. I give Dr. Richardson my highest recommendation.
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Gary R. | Austin, TX
My sister who lives in Austin recommended we visit while we were in town. It's now a part of our Austin route in when we are in town. My kids been fortunate to have found help for their acne and when Dr. Richardson isn't available we are always happy to see Sharon. She shows true compassion for what she does and my children have clear skin. It's amazing how this affects their confidence and daily lives.
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Alex D. | Plano, TX
Dermatologist and Nurse Practitioner are both wonderful. They helped with my skin issues and are professional and made me feel comfortable with the skin check. Will be back.
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Kimsita W. | Austin, TX
They were so great and listened to my concerns and gave me a lot of Options for treatment with different price points.
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Wendy C. | Abbbot, TX
Dr. Richardson has been treating my son for acne for nearly 6 months. We've been there several times... once for an initial consult, and a few follow up appointments.
She always takes time to talk to us about the acne treatments. We never feel rushed.
Most importantly, the acne treatment she prescribed for my soon has worked well. His skin looks great and he's gained a lot of confidence.
I give my highest recommendation to Dr. Richardson.
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Jeremy P. | Austin, TX
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Texas Medical Association


Dermatology Link proudly serves the Austin, Texas region and outlying areas, including Round Rock, Cedar Park, Georgetown, Pflugerville, Leander, Kyle, San Marcos, Hutto, Brushy Creek, Bastrop, Bee Cave, Buda, Elgin, Lago Vista, Lakeway, Lockhart, Luling, Manor, Taylor, Wells Branch, Johnson City, Fredericksburg, Kerrville, Llano, Marble Falls, Smithville and more. 

We provide both telemedicine and in-office visits to our patients.
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